Our Supporters
The Glass City Metropark and Riverwalk project is being funded through a transformational public-private partnership, including support from the voters of Lucas County, local, state and federal government partners, corporations, foundations and individual contributions.

Glass City Riverwalk Supporters
Voters of Lucas County
U.S. Department of Transportation
Ohio Public Works Commission
The Family of Sam and Alice Carson
City of Toledo
Dana Incorporated
The Hylant Family Foundation
Lucas County
Mercy Health
Owens Corning Foundation
National Park Service
The Bob and Sue Savage Family
Greater Toledo Community Foundation
National Fish and Wildlife Federation
The Cleveland-Cliffs Foundation
Fifth Third Bank
The Gorski Family Foundation
The Hajjar Family
Huntington National Bank
KeyBank National Association Trustee for the Walter E. Terhune Memorial Fund
The Kollarits Family: Frank, Carol, Edna and Matthew
Kripke Enterprises
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
O-I Charities Foundation
Signature Bank, N.A.
Toledo Mud Hens and Toledo Walleye
Eastman & Smith
France Stone Foundation
Jay and Tina Jindal
Premier Bank
Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP
US Forest Service
Bill and Cathy Carroll
Doug and Sherri Liedberg
Adele M. and John R. Skolits
John and Yolanda Danyi Szuch
Sue Wilson
The Family of James and Patricia Appold
Fred and Carri Dannhauser
EDGE - Landscape Architecture & Urban Design
Leo and Sharon Knox
Donald G. Pennell
The Staelin Family
UPS Foundation
Tim and Robin Whitney
Mel and Annette Wicks
Darryl and Sharon Allen
Michael and Carol Anderson
In Memory of Robert G. Bennett
Paul and Chris Berlacher
Black Swamp Steel, Inc.
In Memory of Rey Boezi
Archie and Chey Call
Rich and Laura Chechak
Joseph and Judith Conda
Bill, Pam and Breck Davis
The EDGE Group
Diana and Lawrence Friedman
Bill and Marie Hoover
Patty and David Jankowski
Adele Jasion
Joan and Bob Kose
Mike and Gale Lacey
Molly Luetke
Donald T. Meeker
Becky L. Mincheff
In Memory of Dr. Richard J. Nelson
Don and Barb Rettig
S&D Capital
Shrader Tire & Oil Inc.
Connie and Don Warner
The Yarder Mfg. Co.
The Zenk Family
Samir and Lucy Abu-Absi
Jim and Laurie Adams
Ora Alleman
Jan and Charlie Antal
Christine Aossey
ARK Companies
Mike Armstrong
The Army Family
Ruth M. Arnot
P. Kate Arnos
Augusta Askari
Jeff and Jessica Bair
Carol and Ed Bardi
Christopher and Susan Barry
Jennifer L. Barto
Bob and Lora Barton
Philip T. Basquez
Phil and Kristi Bass
The Begeman Family
Brad and Lisa Behrendt
L Beidleman
Pam Bensman
Jessica and Joshua Bittner
Philip and Jahnine Blosser
Sue and Terry Bogner
Douglas J. Boston
Benjamin Bramson and Bethany Sattler
Terry and Mary Breymaier
Char Brock
David R. Bruning
Buck Brothers
The Buckley Family
Alice Buehrle and Michael Cowan
Cynthia and Wesley Bunch
Heather Burke
Allen and Penny Burkett
Craig and Tatyana Burns
Keith and Susan Burwell
Chuck and Jeri Campbell
Campbell Mechanical Services
Kate and Ryan Cannon
Kane - Carey
Mike and Jan Caron
Roosevelt and Zurijanne Carter
Kim Caughhorn and Doug Reinhart
Lynn Cerveny
Matt and Michelle Cleland
Lindell Ahlfors Clemens
Virginia Clifford
Kim Collins and Jacob Parr
Darlene and Robert Cook
Jim and Kim Cooper
Nina Corder and Family
Elizabeth and Darrell Cousino
Liam J. Cousino
Craig and Susan Covrett
Paul and Deborah Cramer
Nancy Crandell
Becky Kaegebein Croke Family
Stuart and Denise Cubbon
Jason and Kelli Daniels
Mark and Michelle Davidson
Tyler Dean
Scott Deaner and Jillian Messenger
Wendy Debord
Marge Dembowski
DGL Consulting Engineers, LLC
Mary and Mike Dick
Dawn Dickerson, James McClure and Family
Lera Doneghy
Mary Alice Donofrio
Zach Driehorst
In Honor of Hilda Dunaway
The Dzubay Family
Charissa and Barry Ebersole
Steve and Tracey Edwards
Rich, Ally, Ben and Noah Effler
Holly Eichner
Barbara Eikost
Janet and Thomas Eppard
Mary Fahle
Thomas and Mary Fairlie
Dick and Kathy Faist
Janice Farmer
G and K Faulkner
Jack and Sally Faust
Bob and Sue Fesenmyer
Tim and Kathy Fisher
Chandler Fitzgerald
Holly and Adam Fleischman
Terry and Carol Fleischman
John and Ellen Foley
Paula Follis
Diane Folsom
Denise Fonner
Theresa A. Ford-Wells
Steve and Janet Foster
Jack and Anastasia Frahn
Whitney Frederick
Glenna Frey
Robert and Sandra Frisch
Bonnie Fumo
Rachel, Vera and Ellis Gagnon
Allen and Heather Gallant
Jarvis and Marsha Gamble
The Gandert Family
Valerie and Peter Garforth
Jana M. Gessner
Terry and Cheryl Gibbs
Helen Gimenez Gilbert
Jodie Goldstein
Dr. Mary J. Gombash and Mr. Bud Crosby
Al and Jan Grant
Don and Mary Beth Gratop
Jodi and Jerry Gross
Katie Grycza
Carrie Haddix
John and Susan Hadley
Bill and Nancy Hamilton
Steve and Pat Hamilton
Robert Hamm
Joy and Steve Hammer
Sally M. Harms
Edie Joy Hansberry
K. Harrison
Tim and Mary Harshman
Nicholas F. and Susan Hartman Muska
Steve and Linda Haubert
Barbara Haydock
Michael D. Haynes
Charles and Laurie Heid
John and Kelly Heinl
James Heltebrake
Greg, Laura, Phoebe, and Pretzel
Joanna Hinton
Paul and Rosanna Hoelzle and Family
The Hoffmans
Holas Family
Holt Roofing Company
Have and Becky Huey
Jason, Maggie, Clara, and Mila Humphrey
Drs. Jim and Jeanine Huttner
James Hunyadi Family
Paul and Debby Lott
Rebecca Irvine
Jennifer and Eugene Izsak
Martha and Art Jackson
Karin Jacobson and Robert Seeman
William and Mary Clare Jenks
In Loving Memory of Mark Edward Jennings
In Memory of Mark Jennings
Danielle M. Johnson
Eric and Cecilia Johnson
Chris and Jim Johnston
Paul and Nancy Jomantas
Brad and Amy Jones
Jim and Christy Jordan
Updated: 11/14/2024
Supporter (Continued)
Lucy B Joyce
Dana Justice
Steve and Terri Kaczor
William and Jamie Kaiser
Joe and Glenda Kane
Christina Kasper and Her Boys
Michael, Michelle, Gus, Joe and Frankie Keedy
Teresa Rose Keller
Deborah J. Kent
Cindy and John Kerr
Brian Cowdrey and September Killy
Paulette D Kilmer
Jim and Anne Kimble
Ryan and Kristy Kindinger
Paula Kirby
The Wm Kirbys
Thomas and Gretchen Kirk
Phil and Marcia Klunk
Mary B. Knake
Viv and John Knapp
Jess Kona-Stanciu
Laura and Brian Koprowski
Diane Kornowa and Paul Walters
Eleanor Kostecki
Jon and Steven
Ana and John Kraus
Andy and Michele Kress
Gary Krieger
Matt Kripke
Charity Krueger
Sandra T. Laas
Gayle Lampkowski
Mike Lampkowski
Cliff and Pam Langdon
Jim and Janet Lankey
James and Nancy Lapp
Cheryl Layman
Nancy S. Lehmann
Gary Lenhart
Karen Leopold
Gary Levey and Cynthia Poe
Adam Levine
Ted and Pat Ligibel
Vivian Lijewski
Bill and Barbard Lindeman
Rob and Dana Loeb
Barbara Long
Jim and Joanne Lortie
Tom and Lori Lowe
Mark and Sandy Luetke
Peter Lungulow
Sandy, Paul and Steven Lunn
David J. Lyons
The Machanda Family
Donald and Wendy Maclean
Eleanor K. MacMillan
Mary Madin
Constance Maguire
Andy and Vickie Mahler
April and Kris Maier
Barbara Schuele Malkoski
The Mallette Family
Dave and Pat Mallory
Deanna Malohn
Malone, Ault & Farell
Billy Mann
Christine Manzey
Mark Haynes Construction, Inc.
Susan Markle
Sally Marti and Joseph Carron
Pamela Martin
Martin _ Wood Appraisal Group, Ltd.
Al and Sue Marzano
John and Cynthia Marzluff
Kenneth and Patricia Mauer
Ann N. McCauley
Sandy McFarland
Maria McGauley
Angele and Patrick McGrady
Steve and Patricia McLaughlin
Lou McLove and Beverly Wolcott
Ben McMurray and Noreen Hanlon
Sharon McNeil
David and Susette McNutt
The Melchor Family
Barbara Metcalf
Arika Michaelis
Jackie Michalski
S and S Midgley
Gary and Linda Miller
Marcia Miller
Timothy Mohler
Jill Molnar and Bud Butler
Paul Molnar
Friends From Michigan
Roger Muenger
Susan Muenzer and Craig Nilsson
Dorothy and Richard Munk
The Murphys
Aaron S. Myers
Christie Myers
Nature Inspired
Amy and Mike Natyshak
Eugene and Patty Naujock
Melanie and Tom Navarre
Lindsey and Sharon Niedzwiecki
Carole and Jim Nooney
Diana Nowels
Nysus Solutions
Kellerbaur and Palmisano Families
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parton
Jamie Paul
Walter Pauly
Melba Peters
Chrys Peterson
Judy Pheatt and Robert Wendt
Sue and Jim Phillips
The Pierce Family
Mary Pinkava
Sarah G. Pope MD
Robin Prettyman
Jack and Sara Puffenberger
Dennis and Terri Radecki
Mona Rafeeq
M. Razi and Shahida Rafeeq
Susan and Jim Rafferty
Walt and Sharon Rager
Hydie Ralson
Ron and Jill Ranallo
Kay Rasmus
Sam and Robin Rayner
Real Good Ventures. LLC
Dick and Penny Reder
Jim Rejent
Thomas and Sue Rengers
Donna Repp
Michael Riethmiller
Vicki and Todd Riley
The Rinto Family
Thomas Robinson
Adelle Rodriguez and Johnathan Goldman
Janet Rogolsky
Deidre Rohaley in honor of Novalie Rohaley
Gretchen Rohm and David Ensing
Ann and Howard Rosenberg
Suzanne Rosenberg
John and Beth Roth
Cynthia Rothbard
Gingi Rothman
Dorema C. Rouse
Kelli Routsong
Alan Rupp and Jessica Ameling
Ron Rybarczyk
Sue Ryno
Sarah and Dustin Sabo
Mary Saddemi
Jim and Margaret Sander
Orlando Allen Santiago and Brian Dean Ingman
Susan Santoro
Kay Saxby
The Bruce Scherer Family
Elizabeth Schermerhorn
In Memory of Jane Schetter
Hans Schnapp
Tom Schreiber
Catherine Schrein
Trina and Jay Secor
Service Spring Corp.
Robert Seyfang and Susan DelVecchio
Tom and Peggy Sheehan
Catherine and Russell R. Sheerin, Jr., in memory of Russell "Trey" R. Sheerin, III
Chalane and Charles Sheldon
Julie and Chris Shope
James and Recbecca Sillery
Tom Silva
Lisa and Judd Silverman
Sharon F. Simmons
Mitchel Skotynsky
Sarah Skow and Jason Quick
Rebecca Small
David and Molly Smigelski
Kendra N. Smith, Aicp
Linda N. Smith
Stephanie Snyder
Greg and Arlene Sparks
Barb and Lloyd Stager
Lora Stedman
Susan Steinert
John Strand
Ann and David Strickler
Vega and Trent Strong
Lionel and Kris Sully
Scott and Laura Suntum
Michael Swartz
Cynthia Sweet
Matthew and Arlene Swora
Laurie Syring
Irland and Kathy Tashima
Debbie Tassie
Elizabeth and Robert Taylor
Jay C Taylor
Matthew Tewers
Warren and Patricia Tipton
Jim and Mary Tita
Kevan and Anna Toney
Doreen Trent
Greg and Lori Troemner
Trust Company Family Offices
Pamela Ulrich
Judi, Bodie, Uno and Oh!-Oh! Uhrman
Joan and Tom Van Auken
Daniel, Jennifer, and Mackenzie Van Horn
Peter and Rachel Van Niel
Arnold and Dianna Vasquez
Michael and Anne Veh
Jennifer K. Wagner
Jim and Nena Wagner
Dennis Walsh
Janet Weiden
Judy and David Weinberg
Tony and Pat Weiss
George F. Wilson
Homer and Kathy Wilson
Todd Wilson
The Wilt Family
Patricia Winzeler
Mark and Mary Beth Wittenberg
Lee Woldenberg
In Memory of Roger B. Woodbury
Dave and Mary-Charles Woodward
Mary Wright
Sam and Beth Wright
Michael Zerner
Karen Zickes
John and Marilyn Zielinski
Judith and Bill Zimmerman
Thomas Zogaib
Judge Jack Zouhary
Tom and Constance Zouhary
Julia L. Swisler
Legacy Supporters
Andy and Rose Kandik
Estate of Leonard H. Rosenberg
Project Partners
The Arts Commission
City of Toledo
Toledo City Council
The Collaborative
Bergmann PC
Bryony Roberts
Destination Toledo
Downtown Toledo Development Corporation
The EDGE Group
East Toledo Family Center
Graphite Design+ Build
Kokosing Construction Company
Lathrop | Turner Construction Company
LISC Toledo
Lucas County
Lucas County Commissioners
Lucas County Planning Commission
Mannik & Smith Group
MKSK Studios
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
National Museum of the Great Lakes
National Park Service Land and Water Conservation Fund
Northwest Ohio Building Trades
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Ohio Public Works Commission
One Voice for East Toledo
PFM Asset Management
SHR 3D Visual Solutions
Signature Bank, N.A.
SmithGroup JJR
Squire Patton Boggs
Tetra Tech
Toledo Design Collective
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments
Toledo Police Department
Toledo Public Schools
Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority
U.S. Department of Transportation
U.S. Forest Service
United Way of Greater Toledo
WXY Architecture + Urban Design