In Memory of Lucille Marie Killam

"Those who knew Lucy during her short life will miss the joy she brought to their lives. There was plenty of it. It is nearly impossible to describe a child for whom 'every day was the best day ever.' A light has gone out of our universe."
As Lucy loved exploring the Metroparks with her parents, the family asks, in lieu of flowers, that contributions be made to establish a special fund in memory of Lucy at the Metroparks Toledo Foundation.
To make a gift in memory of Lucy, please click the link below to our donation page. On the donation page, select “Lucy Killam Memorial Fund” in the “Please direct my donation to:” field.
Gifts can also be made via check or via phone.
Checks made payable to:
Metroparks Toledo Foundation
Memo: In Memory of Lucy Killam
5100 West Central Avenue, Suite A, Toledo Ohio 43615
Credit Card gifts via phone at 419-407-9787.