Glass City Metropark and Riverwalk Campaign
In 2017, Toledo’s 22nd Century Leadership Committee identified a critical need to restore and create an additional 300 acres of greenspace within the City of Toledo. Greenspace and parks were cited as an essential component of a competitive, thriving, and healthy city.
Today, our community is undertaking a $200 million public-private initiative to deliver on that plan. The Glass City Metropark & Riverwalk project is once-in-a-generation opportunity to create powerful, sustainable change for ourselves and future generations.
The Glass City project will transform the Toledo riverfront, creating 300 acres of new and revitalized greenspace connected by five miles of multiuse trails, and spanning both sides of the Maumee River from Veterans’ Glass City Skyway to the Anthony Wayne Bridge. This green ribbon will connect the Garfield and Birmingham neighborhoods in East Toledo with the downtown neighborhoods - Vistula, the central business district, the Warehouse District and the Middlegrounds - stitching together these neighborhoods while providing safe, clean, and natural greenspace. Glass City Metropark is transforming a once neglected, stagnant, former industrial site, bringing new vitality to our riverfront, greenspace to our community, and options for recreation to nearby neighborhoods and our region.
Your Metroparks. Your Community. Your Legacy.
Case for Support [PDF]
A Combined Community Effort: The Glass City Metropark and Riverwalk project is a $200 million public-private initiative to build a landmark waterfront Metropark and world-class riverfront destination.

Ways to Give
Leaving Your Legacy in the Glass City: You can be a part of our community’s legacy and create powerful, sustainable change for generations to come. Join us in transforming Toledo… start your legacy through a gift to this campaign today.
Gift Opportunities
As a supporter, you will be a part of transforming our community forever. Our recognition program is designed to recognize your extraordinary commitment to the project and demonstrate, now and in the future, how our community stepped forward to transform our riverfront forever.

Our Supporters
Glass City Metropark and Riverwalk wouldn’t be possible without the transformational public-private partnership, including support from the voters of Lucas County, local, state and federal government partners, corporations, foundations and individuals contributions.
Commemorative Bench Program
Celebrate your memories, your loved ones, or a special occasion through a bench at Glass City Metropark.

Contact Us
For more information on Glass City Metropark and Riverwalk Campaign, please contact Ally Effler, Chief Philanthropy Officer at 419-360-8242 or Ally.Effler@MetroparksToledo.com.