In Memory of Kirsten Clark
Kirsten had a kind soul and lived her life to make the world a better place. She found solace in the outdoors and enjoyed being in all types of natural environments.
As a science major and environmentalist, Kirsten understood how waste generated by humans negatively impacted animals and our natural systems. She wanted to do her part to protect our earth, so she started small at home. Kirsten championed her cause by creating an at home recycle center for paper and plastics, along with only using a reusable water bottle and seeing to purchase recyclable products where possible.
By using the Kirsten Keep Cup, you are honoring her memory and preserving our plant in your own small way.
Kirsten's Keep Cup and all it represents will be a "mark on the world that can't be erased." - Maya Angelou
You can make a difference with each refill!
Brought to you by the Kirsten Clark Fund for Sustainability at Metroparks.
Kirsten Clark Fund for Sustainability
The Kirsten Clark Fund for Sustainability at Metroparks Toledo exists to extend the spirit of Kirsten Clark and her passion for environmental stewardship and sustainability. The Fund will provide resources to advance Metroparks sustainability initiatives and support programs that inspire individuals and communities to lead more sustainable, earth-friendly lives.
The guiding objectives of the Fund are to:
- Educate the public on the importance of reducing single use plastic, plastic consumption
- Provide refillable water bottles/cups called the “Kirsten Clark Keep Cup” primarily to youth and historically underserved communities
- Provide support for related sustainable Metroparks initiatives
- Provide opportunity for the community to support the fund and its objectives annually
The outreach program launched this summer with over 700 Connections Camp youth set to receive Kirsten’s Keep Cup (water bottle version) during their first week of camp. Campers will also receive a postcard sharing Kirsten’s story and how using the Keep Cup they’ve received will both honor her memory and make a difference by reducing single use plastic.
As part of the program, campers will also participate in an educational Waste Sort Relay activity led by Keep Toledo/Lucas County Beautiful during their week at camp. This active, educational activity will teach the campers what vessels to use and where used items should go (and what they should/should not be recycling). The campers will see which items go to the landfill and which are recycled, encouraging recycling and awareness at home.
After we complete year one of this pilot outreach program, we will explore ways to expand the program and work with additional partners on the distribution of Kirsten’s Keep Cups.
Felica Clark was interviewed and featured on a Metroparks Meetup (13abc) on Wednesday, June 20. During her interview, Felica shared more about the Fund with our community [Watch].
Click the link below to help support sustainable initiatives through Kirsten's fund.
Gifts can also be made via check or via phone.
Checks made payable to:
Metroparks Toledo Foundation
Memo: In Memory of Kirsten Clark
5100 West Central Avenue, Suite A, Toledo Ohio 43615
Credit Card gifts via phone at 419-407-9787.