Growing Stronger Together
A Metroparks membership or donation provides the vehicle to take our commitment even further. By joining or donating, individuals and organizations are making a cause-driven statement to support Metroparks vision to ultimately become one of America’s greatest park systems. They realize the benefits that this vision brings to our community, to the environment, and to future generations.
With over 12,000 acres of preserved land and 172 miles of trails to explore, your Metroparks are some of the most stunning outdoor experiences in North America. Working together, we are making powerful progress toward providing clean, safe and natural parks within 5 miles of every resident in Lucas County.
Thanks to the generosity of members and other loyal friends we continue to help expand the Metroparks preservation and educational activities. Each membership helps support important Metroparks initiatives that might not otherwise be possible, like Metroparks Connections Camp that bring over 500 children from disadvantaged communities to nature camp—completely free of charge.
Membership Benefits:
- Members-only programs and events
- Email newsletter with impact updates, behind the scenes and members-only information, stories and Foundation news
- American Horticultural Society reciprocity at over 300 gardens in North America
- Discounted admissions for up to 2 guests to Jazz in the Garden at TBG*
- Discounts on Metroparks rental facilities including The Ribbon and cabana rentals (20% up to $100) and programs (20% up to $10)
- Proud Member decal
- Special Members T-shirt
*Subject to event changes
Member Discount must be activated with Customer Service after joining. Please call 419-407-9700 upon joining.
Good Natured
Metroparks Toledo believes everyone deserves to benefit from the outdoors. In that spirit, we have created a membership group for women – and allies of women – to empower women through the outdoors. Participants will engage in the Metroparks Mission, specifically to conserve and preserve our region’s most precious natural resources by connecting everyone to those resources, as well as with each other.
Funds raised through Good Natured will assist Metroparks programming to create life-changing memories and connections to the parks. The goal is to break down barriers that have prevented historically underserved individuals, groups and communities from experiencing, engaging with and benefiting from our area’s natural resources. This outreach is focused on introducing these communities to new and fun ways to experience the outdoors.
Want to join?
Go to the membership page and choose Good Natured as an add-on.
Not a Metroparks member?
Choose a giving level that is right for you, and then choose Good Natured as an add-on.
Good Natured
Levels of Support and Additional Benefits
$40 - Individual
Includes all member benefits listed above.
$55 - Family
Includes all member benefits listed above.
$100 - Conservator
Includes all member benefits listed above, plus:
- Access to behind the scenes tours and special events
$250 - Preserver
Includes all member benefits listed above, plus:
- Early bird access to behind the scenes tours and special events
$500 - Oak Tree
Includes all member benefits listed above, plus:
- Invitation to select special events and Metroparks gatherings.
$1000+ - Director's Circle Giving Societies
- Sassafras: $1,000
- Maple: $2,500
- Hickory: $5,000
Includes all member benefits listed above, plus:
- Invitations throughout the year to attend intimate, behind the scenes experiences with Metroparks leadership and periodic roundtable events with the Director.
- Invitation to annual Donor Celebration Event.
For questions about Metroparks Membership Benefits and programs, please contact 419-407-9700.