Give to the Metroparks
The Metroparks Toledo Foundation provides park lovers with the opportunity to support the parks in a way that aligns their personal passions with the Metroparks’ 20-year strategic plan.
Ways to Give
Become a Member
Provide a monthly or annual membership gift and become an insider, receive special discounts and publications.
Annual Support
Provide general resources to support emerging needs and top priorities of Metroparks Toledo.
Featured Projects
Support our priority project or your personal park passion.
- Treehouse Village
- Connections Camp
- Park Specific Needs
Planned Giving
Donors may choose to include the Metroparks Toledo Foundation as a beneficiary of their estate by designating a specific amount, percentage or remainder of their estate for the Foundation. Donors and advisors should use the name "Metroparks Toledo Foundation" in all legal documents. The Foundation advises donors to consult with their own estate planning advisors or attorney for all gift and estate decisions.
We encourage donors to share their plans with us so that we can properly recognize donors during their lifetime and plan for the future use of the funds. The Foundation will keep all bequest intentions confidential, unless the donor directs otherwise.
Support the Metroparks with a Charitable IRA Rollover
If you are 70 ½ years old or older, you can take advantage of a simple way to benefit the Metroparks Toledo Foundation and receive tax benefits in return. You can give up to $100,000 annually from your IRA directly to a qualified charitable institution, such as ours, without having to pay income taxes on the money. This popular gift option has several benefits:
- Your gift will be put to good use today, supporting the mission and vision of the Metroparks you know and love.
- You pay no income taxes on the gift. The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you benefit even if you do not itemize your deductions.
- If you have not yet taken your required minimum distribution (or RMD) for the year, a qualified charitable distribution, commonly referred to as an IRA charitable rollover, can satisfy all or part of that requirement. If you don’t meet your RMD, you may face a large tax penalty of 50% on that total… so please consider donating your distribution this year to Metroparks Toledo Foundation!
How to give…
- Speak with your financial advisor to ensure this type of gift is an option for you.
- Visit our website: MetroparksFoundation.org/ways-to-give/
- Print and complete our IRA charitable rollover gift initiation form.
- Provide the completed form to your IRA custodian.
By Check…
Instruct your IRA administrator to mail a check directly to Metroparks Toledo Foundation (payable to Metroparks Toledo Foundation) to:
Metroparks Toledo Foundation
Attn: Ally Effler, Chief Philanthropy Officer
5100 W Central Avenue, Suite A
Toledo, Ohio 43615
Please make sure that your administrator encloses a letter along with your check stating: your name and notes that it is a qualified charitable distribution from your IRA. This information can also be stated in the memo line of your check.
Print our IRA charitable rollover gift initiation form here. [PDF]
By Cash Wire…
If your IRA administrator prefers to make a cash wire transfer from your retirement account to the Foundation, please fill out the wire transfer letter and ask him/her to contact:
Ally Effler at: Ally.Effler@MetroparksToledo.com or (419) 407-9708
By Securities Transfer…
We are happy to assist with a securities transfer. Please reach out to our office and we’ll provide you with all necessary information and accounts.
* Your gift must be complete on or before December 31 of the calendar year in which you choose to utilize the IRA Charitable Rollover gift vehicle for tax purposes. Generally, if sent by US mail, the postmark determines the date of gift; if sent via cash wire, date of gift is determined by the date the funds reach the Foundation’s account.
Gifts of Stock or Appreciated Assets
Giving publicly traded securities to the Metroparks Toledo Foundation that were purchased over a year ago and have increased in value can be an especially attractive way to fund a donation. Donors may benefit from a charitable deduction equal to the value of the securities. In addition to the tax deduction, capital gains tax is not due on gains in the donated securities.
Speak with your financial advisor to see if this type of gift could be an option for you.
We are happy to assist with stocks and securities transfer. Please reach out to our office and we’ll provide you with all necessary information and accounts.
Please contact: Ally Effler, Chief Philanthropy Officer at Ally.Effler@MetroparksToledo.com or (419) 407-9708.
Corporate Partnerships
Support local events, special projects, and park initiatives.
For questions about Metroparks Toledo programs and projects, please email info@MetroparksToledoFoundation.org or contact Ally Effler at 419-407-9708.
Articles Tagged in Parks People - Members and Donors